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MomCo (Formerly MOPS)

Solana Beach MomCo

Solana Beach MomCo (Formerly MOPS)

Registration for Solana Beach MomCo (formerly Solana Beach MOPS) is open for the 2024-2025 year. Space is limited, so sign up promptly to secure your spot. If you find MomCo or our KidCo Children’s Program full, we strongly encourage you to join the waitlist as mom's needs and plans change and often take people off the waitlist throughout the year.

MomCo by MOPS International exists to encourage and equip moms of young children to realize their potential as a mothers, women, and leaders, in relationship with Jesus and the local church. The goal of MomCo is to “build circles of women who love each other like family, because raising humans is beautiful and hard, and having each other to lean on is life-giving. Connecting women to meet together to laugh, cry and embrace the journey of being a mom.” Solana Beach MomCo is a non-denominational group chartered through Solana Beach Presbyterian Church.

Solana Beach MomCo is a positive and supportive program designed to nurture expecting moms through mothers of kindergartners. Meetings take place approximately two Friday mornings per month during the school year. Meetings consist of a potluck brunch, inspiring speakers on a variety of topics, occasional service projects or creative activities, and small group discussion. Children 3 months and older are lovingly cared for in our KidCo Children’s Program, including structured time for kids 2 years & older where they will sing songs, hear Bible stories, make crafts, eat snack, enjoy free play, and more! Space is extremely limited in childcare, so if you have access to alternate childcare, please utilize it in order to reserve space for mom’s who cannot otherwise participate in the program.

Questions about Solana Beach MomCo? Email SBPC’s Director of Early Childhood Ministries at or MomCo Leadership at

Friends of MomCo and Small Groups

If you want to connect with other moms but can’t participate on Friday mornings due to work, schedule conflicts, or registration hitting capacity, we encourage you to join “Friends of Solana Beach MomCo” where you will be included in select MomCo social events, get info on future registration, and receive updates from Solana Beach MOPS about ways to connect with the local community. You can click here to listen to audio recordings of past speakers.

Questions about MomCo or “Friends of Solana Beach MomCo”? Email

You can also participate in Small Groups at SBPC. There are a variety of Small Groups for women and/or couples with young children. For more information email

First Time Moms Group

Are you a first-time mom of an infant or do you know one? This is such a beautiful, transformational, and often overwhelming time in life! First-time moms with infants or first-time expectant moms in their third trimester are invited to join us the first Thursday of each month, from 10am-11:30am in RM 111 (located on the lower level of the Children's Ministries building). Bring your infant or come solo, receive support and encouragement, and enjoy community and connection with other moms in this same unique season of life. Coffee and bagels will be provided, no cost or registration required.

Questions? Email Jen Engelhardt, SBPC Director of Early Childhood Ministries.