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Sundays at SBPC

Join us for worship in-person or online! Sundays at 10:00 AM

Sundays at SBPC


We have in-person and online options for worship!

ENGLISH - Sundays at 10:00AM (on campus and livestream)

  • In-Person in the Sanctuary or via video feed outside
  • Online

EN ESPAÑOL - Sundays at 10:00AM


120 Stevens Avenue

Solana Beach, CA 92075

Sunday at SBPC is a day to worship, serve, and connect with each other. We want this place to be the best place for the whole family, from the youngest to the oldest and everyone in between! We believe that the all generations have something to learn from and something to give to all other generations.

From our busy Children’s Center, phenomenal worship services, and people buzzing all around the patio enjoying those great donut holes, Sunday is full of life here on our campus. We want to take all of that energy and turn it into a time of refueling before we leave to go back to help shine God’s light where we work, live, and play.

Come for a visit. Stay and become part of the family. Welcome home.

Sundays at SBPC

What to Expect

Our services are full of energy and life. We sing songs led by a band, vocal team, and choir, hear announcements, and have the opportunity to hear a message based on Biblical truths.

What time should I get there?

We recommend parking your car about 10 minutes prior to the service time. This will allow you to walk to the sanctuary, be greeted, and find a seat. If you have kids and would like to have them experience our great children’s programs, you may want to add another 10 minutes. This will give you time to sign them in at a table in front of the Children’s Ministry Center.

Will I be singled out as a visitor?

When you first arrive on the patio outside the sanctuary, you will see small tables with name tags. You don’t have to wear one, but we encourage everyone to use on so you can be greeted by name. There are no special “visitor” tags, so don’t worry about being singled out. If you would like more information about our church, stop by the information table on the patio.

What is the service like?

When you arrive, you will be warmly greeted by someone from our welcome team who can also help answer any questions you may have. Feel free to sit anywhere you are comfortable.

Here is what you can expect at a typical worship service:

  • Worshiping God with songs of praise
  • Greeting and Welcoming one another
  • Information on our life together at SBPC
  • Offering
  • Message
  • Closing song

Often, we will also have special elements like baptisms, greeting new members, hear personal stories of how God is working in people’s lives, communion, and more.

Communion is usually taken on the first Sunday of every month. Communion is available to everyone who professes faith in Jesus Christ.

How long is it?

The service lasts from 70 to 75 minutes.

What should I wear?

Most people at this service wear casual business attire. Some wear jeans and shorts. You won’t find any suits at this service. Feel free to come as you are.

What about my kids?

Children’s Programs

Birth – 6th Grade children may be checked in on the patio before service and then will attend part of the worship service with their family. Children are blessed and dismissed part way through the service to enjoy great programming that is specially designed for them. Children are also welcome to stay with their family for the entire service.

Middle School Students (7th – 8th Grade)

Middle school students will start in the sanctuary with their families or may sit with other students to enjoy a great time of worship. Part way through the service, they will be dismissed to be a part of an engaging and fun middle school program.

High School Students (9th – 12th Grade)

High school students are encouraged to join us during the worship services with their families or sit together with other students. Part way through the service, they will be dismissed to be a part of an engaging and fun high school program.

What if I have questions?

Please stop by our information table on the patio or feel free to speak to any of our ushers and greeters.