Mature Adults (Seniors)

Encouraging Spiritual and Educational Growth and Mental and Physical Wellness

Solana Beach Presbyterian Church's Mature Adult Ministrys plans, implements and maintains ministry opportunities in ways encouraging spiritual and educational growth, mental and physical wellness, while providing fellowship and support to enrich the lives of mature adults in the church and community.

To these ends, a variety of programs and activities are being offered both in-person and through Zoom at the Solana Beach Community Senior Center. Please visit us online and review our bi-monthly Encore Newsletter for current activities. The Senior Center is an outreach program, located on the Solana Beach Presbyterian Church campus and open to seniors regardless of age, church affiliation, race, sex or city of residence.

For more information about the Mature Adult Ministry at SBPC, please contact Cindy Wright or Elizabeth Arthur at 858-509-2587. If you need practical assistance, contact Cindy. We have a variety of resources available.

Solana Beach Senior Center

The Senior Center is open to everyone and you do not have to be a church member or live in the city of Solana Beach.

We have many programs, activities and services available. Wednesdays are BIG days at the Senior Center. We offer many classes, discussion groups, games, entertainment, and a fabulous lunch. For an update on upcoming programs, please call 858-509-2587 or see our current Encore Newsletter (or click the button below). Lunch reservations are needed in advance if you plan to have lunch with us.

A typical Wednesday morning looks like:

  • Fellowship (9:30-11:20AM)
  • Mahjong (9:30-11:20AM)
  • Mexican Train Dominoes (9:30-11:20AM)
  • Cards/Games (9:30-11:20AM)
  • Knitter/Crochet (9:30-11:20AM)
  • Entertainment (11:30AM – 12:15PM)
  • Lunch (12:15-1:15PM)

For more information call the Senior Center at 858-509-2587 or send Cindy Wright or Elizabeth Arthur an email.

Senior Services

HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program)

Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program offers free assistance in dealing with your health insurance issues, questions or problems with providers. Appointments are private and focus on your specific questions. HICAP now offers information & assistance with Medicare Part D – low cost medications. Call 858-565-8772 to schedule an appointment.

Elder Law and Advocacy

Free legal services for older adults. Legal and Medicare help for seniors in San Diego County. Call 858-565-1392.

Health and Wellness

Memory Cafe

Get connected, make friends, and keep your brain active! Memory Cafe meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month from 10:00-11:30AM in the Ministry Center Hall (formerly known as the Hispanic Chapel). Parking is easiest in lot #3. There is no charge!  Questions? Call Michele Mullen at 972-342-9727.

Feeling Fit Club

Sue Grant continues to lead the Feeling Fit Club ONLINE VIA ZOOM on both Mondays and Wednesdays, 8:30-9:30AM. The class is free and sponsored by San Diego County's Aging and Independent Services. To get connected, please contact Cathy at 858-342-9716. 

Silver Age (Chair) Yoga

Everyone is welcome for an hour of chair yoga in Room 16 each Friday at 11AM. Liz Young is a fantastic teacher and you'll love how you feel after the first class. There is no charge, however, donations to the nonprofit Silver Age Yoga are appreciated. Reservations are not necessary. Parking in lot #2 is easiest.

Fun Times

Book Club

Join this great group for in-person discussions at 1:15PM on the second Wednesday of each month, in Room 16. To receive a print copy of the book, please call the Senior Center office at 858-509-2587.

Ginny's Sewing Fellowship

A lovely group of gals meets at 10AM on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays to stitch and chat. There are plenty of non-sewing tasks as well! They often bring lunch to extend their time of fellowship. Questions? Call Cindy or Elizabeth at 858-509-2587.


The senior center has numerous other mature adult resources. For more information call Cindy Wright 858-509-2587.