FUEL Preteen Ministries at SBPC!

What is Fuel? Fuel is the overarching name of our preteen ministries (grades 3-6) at Solana Beach Presbyterian Church. Why? Well, think about why someone takes their vehicle to the gas station. They don’t go to the gas station with the intention of staying at the gas station. They go to fill up their vehicle with what it needs so it can go back out into the world to be and do what it was created to be and do. We view our time with preteens in a similar way.
Fuel Sunday (aka Fuel S)
Fuel S meets nearly every Sunday of the year! Sign in on the patio before 10am, then attend worship with your family until the children’s blessing and dismissal. Once dismissed, you will meet your Fuel leaders outside and we will spend the remainder of the time together in the CMC building exploring fun and formative ways to connect with God and each other.
Fuel Wednesday (aka Fuel W)
Fuel also meets most Wednesday nights throughout the school year. Join us from 6:30-8:30 pm many Wednesdays for games, fun with new friends and time for connection. Evenings include family hospitality each week and periodic Family Fuels - dinner and games for the whole family! No registration required. Check in each week on the Fuel deck - upstairs on the south end of the Children’s Building.
-- See website calendar page for dates --