Hope Rising - Readings and Resources

Weekly Scripture Readings, Music Playlist, and other resources for your time alone with God

In your time alone with God in scripture reflection, solitude, prayer and journaling, begin with a breath prayer like "Holy Spirit, come," or listen to a song from the playlist. This fall we are focusing selections from 1 Timothy. Consider using one or more of the practices below during your time of reflection.

  • READING: Take time and slowly read aloud the passage. What words or phrases stand out to you? What questions do you have? What feelings arise in you? Which physical response seems appropriate: hands raised or open? head bowed or lifted? standing or seated?
  • JOURNALING: Write out the passage in your journal. Make notes in the margins to amplify or clarify words. Be creative with doodling, drawing, highlighting words or phrases, collaging with cut-out words or pictures. Take your journal with you wherever you go this fall. At the end of this series you will have a journal full of your own reflections, thoughts and prayers!
  • MEMORIZING: Commit to memory one or more verses.
  • PRAYING: How does this passage inspire praise, confession, lament, gratitude, or guidance for yourself, others or the world?

Weekly Scripture Readings


For this series, we have added songs to our current fall playlist. We continue with the music of our church, including more songs that invite us into God's presence, where we experience his goodness, grace and generosity. As we surrender to God and his promises, we remember that our hope is in him. 

Below we have a Spotify and an Apple Music playlist for you to use.