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Learn About Baptism at SBPC

Baptism celebrates the faithfulness of God through Jesus and inclusion in the covenant family of God. Solana Beach Presbyterian Church offers opportunities throughout the year for infants and young child baptism with the profession of their parent’s faith and for children (3rd grade and older), students, and adults with the profession of their own faith.


Baptism Orientation and Membership Classes

For parents of infants and young children who wish them to be baptized, they will need to attend a Baptism Orientation Class. One or both parents must be a member of SBPC. Please use the button below to submit a baptism request form to begin the process.

Children in 3rd to 8th grade who have decided to follow Jesus may also be baptized if they choose. The first step is for them to attend a Baptism Class to learn more about what it means to be a baptized follower of Jesus. Children in 3rd - 6th grade can begin the process by clicking the below button for an upcoming baptism class.

High school students (9th – 12th grade) who wish to be baptized are asked to join the church through our New Member Seminar and profess their faith in Jesus Christ. Students will need to connect with Jamie Nelson ( starting the process.

Adults who wish to be baptized are asked to join the church through our New Member Seminar and profess their faith in Jesus Christ.