This summer, in your time alone with God in scripture reflection, solitude, prayer and journaling, begin your time with a breath prayer like “Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth” or listen to a song from the playlist. During this summer series, we are focusing on experiencing the awe and wonder of God all around us.
READ: Take time and slowly read aloud the scripture passage. What words or phrases stand out to you? What questions do you have? What feelings arise in you? Which physical response seems appropriate: hands raised or open? head bowed or lifted? standing or seated?
JOURNAL: Write out the passage in your journal. Make notes in the margins to amplify or clarify words. Be creative with doodling, drawing, highlighting words or phrases, collaging with cut-out words or pictures. Take your journal with you wherever you go. At the end of the summer you will have a journal full of your own reflections, thoughts and prayers!
Attention (Matthew 11:28-30, Jeremiah 6:16-17)
Pause. In stillness, pay attention to what’s around you. What do you notice? See? Hear? Feel? Smell? Be present to your body, to the space around you, to your senses, and emotions. Are you with others or on your own?
Wonder (Genesis 1:31, Isaiah 55:2)
Immerse yourself in wonder as you reflect, remember, and delight. Tune into the sacredness of this encounter. Engage your senses in the mystery. Is this an ordinary moment of awe? A transcendent one? Is it cosmic or is it small? Be astonished. Delight in it.
Expression (Psalm 103:1-5, Ephesians 3:16-19)
How might you offer back to God an expression of gratitude, praise, curiosity or joy? (Pray, write, draw, take a photo, sing, serve).