Abdiel and Alejandra Ortiz

Working in Student Ministry in México and Latin America

Alejandra y Abdiel are working in the student ministry of COMPA/IFES México and Latin America since 2009.

Alejandra works as a National coordinator of Formacion/Training with Compa. She develops a national training plan for staff and students. Alejandra also serves as Coordinator of The Logos and Cosmos Initiative (LCI) of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). The ILC is training students, and graduates from the national movements of IFES Latin America to develop Science and Faith dialogue. In this link you will find more information on that work: https://lci.ifesworld.org/en/. Alejandra has an MA in Theological Studies from Regent College (Vancouver, Cánada).

Abdiel works as COMPA Staff, he serves as Regional Director for the Northwest of Mexico. Abdiel supervises the student movement in 5 different states of the country and works with 4 local staff and many volunteers of COMPA. His work is training and helping the local staff who work with the christians students on campus. Abdiel is also part of the National Leadership Team of COMPA who cares and leads the student ministry nationally. Abdiel has an MA in Christian Ministry from CETI-Carey.

Ale and Abdiel have more than 10 years of expertise on student ministry, developing mission initiatives on the campus of Tijuana and North West Region of Mexico and training students to connect their faith with university and the context of migrations. They, with a team of COMPA and InterVarsity, developed “Borderlands” from 2012 to 2019. Borderlands was a Learning Program for students to learn contextually about borders and migrations.

Alejandra and Abdiel live in Tijuana, México. They are the parents of Luciana Erandi and Ayari Noelia. The family enjoys biking, hiking, reading stories, chai and Turkish food from their neighborhood.