June 16, 2024



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3. One Goal

Message Outline

1 Corinthians 12:27-31 (NIV)

27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. 28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, of helping, of guidance, and of different kinds of tongues. 29 Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? 31 Now eagerly desire the greater gifts.

Introduction: The church, as Christ’s body on earth, has only one goal, to demonstrate the organic unity which Christ has already created by the power of the Holy Spirit. The demonstration of that unity might not always be the most solid or adequately expressed, nevertheless, that is who we are and the One Goal we have.

1. The city of Corinth, had more half a million people. It was an important crossing point for commerce and a port. The city had many art centers, public baths/spas, and was strongly influenced by many philosophies, traditions and religions. Most of the inhabitants were rich businessmen, ex-military personell and officers of the government. In this system, they were used to entrepreneurial thinking, competition, fighting for “my rights” and self promotion.

The church there was about 150 people, with a wide variety of members, speaking several languages, women in leadership, Roman citizens, powerful rich people as well as servants and even slaves. Ethnically, the church had few jews but mainly Greeks and Romans.

The values and lifestyles systems of the society of Corinth were infiltrating and damaging the life of the church. The church was fractured, and polarized based on leaders, and gifts, not too different from our current reality. This was breaking the harmony, peace and unity.

2. The church as the body of Christ, means the universal church. A local church is a microcosm or miniature of the whole body of Christ. We have been made one body by the work of grace of the Holy Spirit in us, guiding us to repentance, confession and faith in Christ.

Thus, our only Goal is to enact, or exercise in practical ways what we already are. Jesus called us to do it and even prayed for all of us. Demonstrating unity in and by the church is a reflection of the love of God for His son and for us. Right now there are more than 10,000 denominations of the Christian faith around the world, sadly and painfully many are not interested in demonstrating unity, but rather hate, reject, compare and criticize each other. Earlier, in verse 2, Paul wanted to remind them of the previous corrupted systems of the world where they were being controlled and manipulated. As opposed to that, Paul is encouraging them to be humble because there is no such a thing as private or individualistic Christianity.

3. Paul names some of the gifts given by God to his people.

Apostles, in the strict sense, there were only 12. In an open sense, Paul, Barnabas, James, Silas and Timothy are called or recognized as Apostles. Apostle means “sent messengers”, or “church planters” to new places. We now call them “missionaries”.

Prophets. They are not mainly predicting the future, they present and proclaim the truth and message of God, in a fearless manner, “thus says the Lord”. In our days we call them “preachers” as long as they present the word of God in a faithful way.

Teachers. They teach and expand the meaning of the word of God to many.

Gifts of miracles, healing, helping and administrative and speaking in tongues. Paul explains that all of them are at the same level even though some are more spectacular or notorious.  

4. Verses 29-30 are summarizing rhetorical questions, for which the answer is a resounding NO! There is diversity in the gifts, yes, the important thing is not to see someone gifted by the Spirit, but that the gift is being used to build other people’s faith without attracting attention to themselves. To exercise our gift without love and humility is looking for self display, self edification, or self gratification. 

EXAMPLES of imperfect but practical and powerful UNITY in the Church

1. The Church in Cuba.

In spite of the extremely difficult situation they are all going through, (the salary of a medical doctor with more than 20 years of experience is $50 per month and recharging your phone for one month costs $25) there are more 30 Presbyterian churches in Cuba, two presbyteries, one seminary in Matanzas and many other christian churches. The church has focused on: kerygma, koinonia, diaconia, worship and marthyria. All churches have installed and maintained a purifying water system, giving free gallons to the church and the community. The message is we are ONE CHURCH!

Helping with medicines, their facilities, music, fellowship, transportation, visiting. SBPC Hispanic fellowship was started by Rev. Rafael Martinez. Cuban retired pastor with a vision to be ONE CHURCH. In 2022, Letty and I were able to visit the church where he still has family members and thank them and for the last 3 years we have been blessed to be able to pay for the recharging of the phones of 7 Cuban seminarians.

2. Operation Mobilization (OM) Ships are a multigenerational group of 300 people from different races, denominations, countries, languages, living in a small space, and working together in harmony, communicating and submitting to each other for years. Is there such a thing? Yes, Doulos OM Ship. Because we are One Church with one Goal: UNITY.